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The purpose of this website is to detect "stuffy and stuffy" emotions that unconsciously influence your behavior.

Believe me it's harder than you think.

Unconscious processes come into action to prevent you from feeling what you feel.

That was once your solution and you have learned to refine it over time, so that feeling what you feel has become increasingly distant.

It is a reflection site that gives you the opportunity to examine yourself, but also to seek help. Because what do you need help with now.

Is it more on the physical, more on emotion or maybe in learning to visualize.

By clarifying what your problem is, you also get clear what you need.

This site gives you the freedom to explore your own patterns of energy direction and coherence.  

You do this without the intervention of someone else. Fast and simple or in-depth, time consuming and complicated.

All rules and interpretations are the same for everyone and based on biological laws.

Here is just a structure, a method.

You sail your own course but occasionally see a lighthouse.

Sometimes this is too limited and you need support or compassion from a real person.

Here you also have the opportunity to work on yourself when that real person is not there for a while or when you do not want that real person.


You can think and work out all mistakes into a coherent pattern of 1 color. is.

Within the website it is the intention to consciously get problem patterns through the color scheme.

To clarify that problem pattern, you often have to feel an old emotion.

Getting your own biochemical algorithms into the picture and the emotions that then come up "feel through" and release blockages in your body.

Consciousness gives freedom of choice and allows you to visualize and create new situations.

Without consciousness, we instinctively follow what we have learned.

So you repeat ....

What does not come to you in your consciousness comes your way in your destiny. .

Formulate a problem.

2 Use the A , B , C options in the heather at the top to form a [cohesive] pattern.

3 Give an adult judgment and formulate your need.

Visualize a new situation and a goal.

And ask yourself regularly during this process if you can / can / dare / want ...

"feel what you feel".

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