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You examine yourself through an algorithm on thinking, physical reaction, emotion and behavior.

In an algorithm, there are characteristics / variables in a situation and characteristics / variables that are important to assess that situation.

The variables are behind the letters A , B of C in the colou red acids, orange from yellow.

Animals also have an algorithm.

For example, a flock of birds is digitally simulated by incorporating 3 conditions.

"This is the algorithm" b body in e lkaar, not far not too close, go north. "

Man has billions of algorithms.

In this case ancient algorithms associated with physical reactions, thinking, emotion and behavior.

You choose (in the header) 1 of the A , B , C options that are available for that part.

The system keeps returning you to an impartial biochemical algorithm.

That algorithm here consists of 3 colors and 3 letters.

On the right you see the brief in the pink blocks of the colors red, yellow, orange were unfortunately not technically feasible.

The letter A stands for outwardly directed energy, focus

The letter B stands for energy for recovery and growth, explore

The letter C stands for energy directed inward, connecting

Here it is seen as natural energy directions.

For energy to the outside you need focus.

You have to orient yourself for recovery and growth.

For inward directed energy you need connection.

The muscles in your hand become your guide.

In your hand you can feel whether your emotion is right with your thought.

A limp hand does not go with anger and a fist does not with sadness.

Energy that accumulates wants to go out and where your energy runs out you want to recharge.

It helps to think a little "animal" ... what is the most natural, the most {bio} logical.

Do you have cohesion in the letters A, B or C.

a B C

You will find out how it works for you via the diagram in the header.

1 You start by writing down the situation you want to work on.

Then you describe what you would like. Your wish or desire.

The difference between that situation and that wish is your problem .

Then you formulate your problem (preferably in a sentence) and make a choice in the A , B, C options.

2 You investigate which emotion you feel in that situation, which physical reaction, which thought and which behavior you have with it.

Again, you always choose an A , B, C option.

3 You investigate how old you were, what judgment and what need you have for this.

Here too you choose an A , B, C option.

4 You visualize a new situation.

Here too you choose an A , B, C option.

The basis of this method is completely in the header.

The pages below provide additional explanation.

You define each step and then make a choice between A, B, C.

When you are done, there should be 1 color in all answers.

If this is not the case, you have an extra algorithm there or you have not formulated the problem correctly.

You can go back or forward several times and you can always make a new round.

The rows above are matched.

A row A, a row B and a row C.

If you deviate from this in your analysis and you come in a different color, then that row should be completely correct again. When you get 1 word in another row, there is an algorithm that you do not have consciously.


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