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Adult judgment

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A= Energiebeheersing

B= Aanmoediging

C= Compassie

In this part it is the intention that you come to a judgment.

Either an adult judgment or a childish judgment.

An adult judgment is one that applies to you as much as to anyone else.

And for someone else just as good as for you.

A childish judgment is a judgment that only applies to you and not to anyone else.

This is a childish judgment from an unconscious pattern.

In a childish judgment you still hang your nose in the soup and you can therefore not smell it ...

You identify with your pattern. You are your pattern.

You can check if your judgment is mature by saying yes to the next question.

Do you give your nephew or your girlfriend such a pattern (like that pattern of yours) ...?

And how would you support or condemn him.

Before you give a judgment, ask yourself if you were allowed to feel what you felt and dare to admit what you thought while completing the schedule. Was it a judgment, astonishment or an assessment.

A coherent pattern for a problem always has the same color / letter.

When you have felt a number of emotions, you can probably look at yourself a little more from a distance and a parallel arises so that you can compare.

Comparing creates freedom of choice.

What do you think of your pattern now

How do you feel for this pattern

What do you want with this pattern

What are you going to do with this pattern


A DO you do energy control  

B you are brave

C HAVE your understanding consolation

Sometimes fiction and reality intermingle. Reality can suffer, fiction cannot.

How much free will and what age preceded this pattern.

When you have chosen BEN and you are not satisfied with your pattern, you can reformulate your problem.

If that does not work, this breakdown schedule may be too difficult.

You were probably very young, or it was a major trauma, or you might benefit from your patron. "Ben" has to do with identity or being a victim.

You cannot distance yourself from it. It's hard to look at yourself.

Find someone who is honest and confident to help you.

Now ask yourself the question; "if I ..problem .. then, if I ..think .. then .. if I ..then .. if I .. emotion .. then .. if I ..behavior .. then if I .. need .. then ... ". And then again; "and again ..

Continuing to ask "if then" helps you to get to the source.


what can you do to make it right ...

Complete the next sentence until you are satisfied.

If you are guilty then ... and the consequence of that is ...

What can the other do to make amends.

When you have different colors / letters, this means that something is not yet conscious.

For example, is this about yourself ... is this your real problem?

Are you perhaps perpetuating a repressed emotion?


How seriously do you take yourself.

Are you faced with your wish or perhaps you already give the other person a stick to hit with.

If you were not taken seriously in certain matters as a child, you can learn a pattern in which you do not take yourself seriously ...

Your pattern works like a Geiger counter. The closer you get to that special situation, the harder the counter starts ticking. Don't blame the numerator (the pattern).

He's just telling you there's radiation.


How much have you already invested and what has this yielded.

Do you think this could change in the future without you changing?


Are you working on your own problem or do you want to solve someone else's problem?

In that case, place your problem with the other person in your situation and put something in your wish that you would like to do differently.


Is this a coincidence or is it always yours ...


Feel responsible for your own emotion, your physical reaction, your thinking, your behavior.


In paradise you do not criticize the behavior of the other, but the behavior of yourself.

Get clear how you were able to create the situation ...

What must someone else do to get into such a situation ... What must he feel, experience and think.

And if you should advise a friend with this problem ...

Who now owns this problem.

If you are not the owner of this problem then what is your problem now.

Zijn er nog mensen die je kunt vergeven of moet je misschien nog een schuld inlossen?





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